Five things every growing business owner should know about employment law

Are you a growing business owner? Did you miss our recent webinar about the five essential things  you need to know about employment law?

We’re not talking about your expanding waistline (you look great). We’re talking about your obligations as an employer, and protection for your business, as your business grows.

A sound understanding of these essentials will minimise your risk (and cost) of non-compliance with workplace laws.

This presentation covers:

  • Contracts and policies – the different types of employment contracts and the must-have policies for any employer
  • Performance management – regular review and ongoing management of performance make good business sense, and help minimise claims of bullying or unfair dismissal. Our top tips on how to do this and how the process changes as your business grows
  • Termination / Unfair dismissal – how to manage termination of employment properly
  • Recent case law that impacts employers around sham contracting, social media and others

Doing things correctly from the get-go means good business habits and employment procedures are in place as you expand.

Upwards, not outwards 😉

[slideshare id=27875526&doc=blwebinar-fivethingseverygrowingbusinessownerfinal-131103230534-phpapp01]

Get the presentation ‘Five things every growing business owner should know about employment law’

For further details on BlandsLaw’s 2013 series on workplace law issues, visit

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